Bring the outdoors inside with my Top 10 Indoor House Plants which are all easy to maintain and require either low- or medium-light. Several of these plants are known for their ability to purify air and cleanse all tested indoor air toxic elements. Regardless, all indoor house plants are scientifically proven to boost mood and should be incorporated into your living space.
Here are a few key reminders when caring for your indoor plants to keep them happy and thriving for years to come. First, clean leaves with a damp soft cloth to remove dust or greasy films which may appear on the leaves over time. Second, indoor plants in low light conditions of the interior environment will have a reduced need for fertilizer. As a rule, applications should be more frequent when the plants are in their growth stage(s). This is usually in the spring and summer when sunlight intensities increase and the days are warmer and longer. During the short days of winter, many indoor plants that receive little or no artificial light enter a “resting stage.” If plants go into a winter rest period, do not give them fertilizer. Lastly, it is important to choose the correct size container for your plant. Containers too small or too large present an unbalanced appearance. An appropriate container should provide room for soil and roots, allow sufficient headroom for proper watering, and be attractive without competing with the plant.
Do not fear your black thumb- Give these a try!
Split-Leaf Philodendron
Philodendrons are among the most common and easy-to-grow houseplants. Many tolerate low light and neglect. If well treated, they will be beautiful and dependable for many years.
Chinese Evergreen
This tropical plant normally prefers humid air, but will tolerate and grow well pretty much in all conditions. However, occasional misting is a good idea if the plants are kept in too dry an air.
Snake Plant
This low-light loving plant releases oxygen at night which is why it is a good idea to place a Snake Plant somewhere in your bedroom.
Peace Lily
The Peace Lily is a staple house plant in most homes earning an air purification score from NASA of 7.5, which is enough to tell you that it is one of the top plants for fighting indoor air pollutants.
Areca Palm
Palms give a wonderful tropical feeling to an indoor garden. This very popular palm grows 6 to 7 feet tall indoors. They are bold houseplants that command attention.
Rubber Plant
Rubber plants are easy to grow and ideal for beginners. Rubber plants are grown for their glossy, leathery, large leaves coming in various colors of dark green, deep maroon or marked with yellow, cream, pink or white. Be mindful of your furry friends because this plant is harmful to cats and dogs.
Boston Fern
The Boston Fern is the easiest of the ferns to maintain and is remarkable at air purification earning a score of 7.5 from NASA. Keep soil moist with indirect sunlight to keep your Boston Fern happy and thriving.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree
The Fiddle Leaf has dominated the competition as a decor favorite for years with its thick dull green fiddle-shaped oversized leaves. Keep the leaves dusted or rinsed to prevent dust from interfering with light absorption.
Dumb Cane
Happy with standard potting soil, average home temperatures, and average humidity makes the Dumb Cane another easy-to-grow, ideal for beginners houseplant.
Bird of Paradise
Native to South Africa, Bird of Paradise prefers full sun but will tolerate lower light levels, such as that received from a south facing window. They prefer moderate relative humidity, around 60 percent, which may require daily misting during the dry winter months.
Sources: Ilaria Fatone, DIY Creation, Ink & Drop, Traditional Home, My Sweet Savannah, Little Green Notebook, Instagram, How to Build a House, Craft Berry Bush, City Farmhouse, Etsy, Bathroom Style, Anthropologie, Domino, Curbly, Clemson Cooperative Extension Home & Garden Information Center
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